How to Avoid Jerks & Jerkettes

Talk 1: Red Light
In this talk, let’s learn lessons that will save us, or our kids, from a lifetime of problems. As the Bible says, we’ve got to “Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. (Philippians 1:9-10, The Message)
Talk 2: Yellow Light
In this talk, you’ll learn about “Yellow Lights” by asking 7 Important Cautionary Questions before getting married. In fact, some questions can be applied not only in marriage but also in other forms of relationships – friends, community, business, etc. In all questions one thing is common: Knowing the Truth or Telling the Truth about the other person – and about you.
Talk 3: Green Light
In Talk 3: Green Light, of our current series on Finding The Right One, we’ll ask more about these important and crucial questions.
Talk 4: Big Day
Today, on our BIG DAY of another fantastic series, “How to Avoid Jerks and Jerkettes”, we’ll be a little wackier and crazier as we take on the “Aldub Fever”. Of course, you’ll go home not just entertained but above all, blessed as you learn the ultimate secret in Finding the Right One – being “The Right One” yourself. So that you can finally declare, “Totoo Na Nga!” (And yes, we want you to be entertained and laugh too!)